Festival season is coming up and booth holders are thinking of how to boost booth traffic and get festival goers to spend their money at their booth. Glitter tattoos is a fun service that a booth on its own or as an additional service to an already existing booth idea. Ybody glitter tattoos booths can be found around the world at local street festivals, farmer’s market, art & craft festivals and at overnight music festivals, as it is a fun, glittery and very profitable way of enjoying the summer festival scene.
A few years ago, at a large event in Austria, I discovered an amazing way that actually doubled our sales. It was so easy and simple it was scary! Want to know the secret?

Canadian Pride Festival
Invite a friend to join you at the festival. While you effortlessly apply the Ybody glitter tattoos to the ongoing customers, your friend stands next to the Ybody roll-up banner. The large colorful banner easily drives traffic of children and adults alike to your booth. As they huddle around the roll-up, your friend helps each child in picking the “coolest” design. The excitement of the choice will lead to the desire for the final glitter tattoo. A fun experience for everyone.

German Street Festival
For those offering glitter tattoos as an additional booth service, while one person is waiting to get the glitter tattoo applied, their companions are checking out the other goods offered. Once the purse gets out, the easier it is to pay again.
This technique has helped Ybody booth holders around the world use their roll up banner as a means to double their profit. Personally I remember standing there, having a moment in Austria, looking out across my booth at my girls were busy applying glitter tattoos and my friend “conducted the choir” crowded near the banner. I will never forget that moment.
Got a booth holder tip, comment below and Ybody will reward you with a special booth gift.
Just in time for summer we have two deals for you with all you need to start your summer festival booth. Click here to get ready for your summer.
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